"So throw away those Lamentations,
We both know them all too well.
If there's a Book of Jubilations,
We'll have to write it for ourselves.."

-Josh Ritter

Monday, August 2, 2010

Tall Ships, Part 3 (For Old Time's Sake)

Just for kicks, I thought I would post this little comparison shot.
Oh, how times change.

Before: May, 2008 (Fifteen months)

After: August. 2010 (3 1/2 years)

Tall Ships, Part 2 (Nana Version)

Yes, yes. I do have a child who occasionally makes it to the foreground of a picture. And I actually took some pictures of her and her cousin, Bella this weekend. I know- shocking.

They had a wonderful time at the Tall Ships Festival. The Tweed Museum of Art had set up a free craft area. Here they are working hard on some beading.

They also both climbed the rock wall.

When did Nora get old enough to do this? Also, please note that she is climbing a rock wall in a helmet, full body harness and sundress.

Here they are riding cement ponies while waiting in a long line to get onto the ships.

They were awesome and had an awesome time. Hooray, Tall Ships!

Tall Ships

This past weekend began with a frantic call from Eric, informing me that he and his mountain bike had parted ways at 20+ mph and he was headed to the emergency room. Luckily (and it is luck), he and the tree are both fine. The tree is finer, of course, not having ribs to break and elbows to bleed into.

In spite of that, the weekend turned out pretty okay. The Tall Ships came into Duluth and while Daddy was in a Vicodin-induced haze on the couch, Tammy and Bella joined us to tour the ships. Tammy was kind enough to allow me to use her camera, which is like mine only better. That's right. I'm officially coveting the newer model.
I, along with 200 000 other people who visited the event, got this requisite picture:

No, you're a dinghy!
Look closely at this next one. The name of the saltie is "American Integrity." Mmmm...delicious, delicious irony.
And, my personal favorite from the weekend:

And, yes, Mother. As soon as I post this one, there will be one chock-full of tasty children. I promise.