Today, we did the Best Thing Ever. We got up early, drove to Jim Thorpe, PA and rode our bikes 24-some-odd miles down the Lehigh Valley Gorge. Jim Thorpe, terrible name aside, is a lovely little town that has avoided the depressing fate of the surrounding area by playing up its natural beauty. And by driving tourists to the top of the gorge.
Nora took the whole thing very seriously. She refused to relinquish her helmet to get on the shuttle. Notice that she is clinging to it for dear life and is glaring at the fellow tourist taking our picture as if he has intricate plans to abscond with her tiny, pink helmet. And probably Monkey, too. 
She also cried, nay, sobbed when Daddy's bike, with her seat on the back was placed on the trailer. How dare they?
Then, finally, it was time to ride. Again, this is serious stuff.
The ride was amazing, all along the river, past cliffs and waterfalls. We even passed a couple of people. (Not many- don't get excited. Lots more people passed us....) We stopped a couple of times, for lunch and to enjoy the scenery. I wish that the pictures we took could capture the landscape, but like so many times, it just doesn't translate.
One stop that we made, towards the end of the ride, was particularly nice. We hiked down a short trail and Nora learned all about walking on sand. Then, we killed a half hour or so splashing in the water and skipping stones.
Nora got filthy....
Dude, I am so jealous! I can't for the life of me get Harper to ride ont he back of my bike, despite a 20-minute exercise in total immersion therapy in which we rode up and down the Erie Canal trail with him screaming at the top of his lungs. Now I can't even get him to put his helmet on. Though maybe that's because I made him do headbuts with me when we were both wearing ours the first time. Anyway, I'm jonesin' for a good bike trip, so if you want to trade kids, just let me know.
So descriptive. Made me want to see the trail....and all of you!
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