"So throw away those Lamentations,
We both know them all too well.
If there's a Book of Jubilations,
We'll have to write it for ourselves.."

-Josh Ritter

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Fashion Plate

Nora's penchant for picking out her own clothes strikes again. What is it with the hats? Of course, this one goes right along with her new phrase, "Aw, jeez." And in my head, that's followed by, "Come on over for dinner- it's lutefisk with lots of butter, doncha know!"

And in related news, Nora only had red eye in one eye in this picture. My motherly inclination is to get her honky butt to the eye doctor. Then, my doctorly side kicks in and tells me to get a freaking life. Anyone care to comment on her light reflex, symmetric or otherwise?

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