And I'm so glad that she is such a good girl so much of the time.
Because I'm about to throttle her adorable little neck.
I'm reasonably sure that children evolved cute so that their parents wouldn't feed them to the nearest mastadon when they behaved Just Like This.
Nora just shrieked at me for the better part of her bath. She screamed about washing her hair. She yelled about brushing her teeth. She flipped out when I turned off the water.
I read the back of the Aveeno bottle. Twice. Then, Eric helped me force her kicking, thrashing, flailing little body into pajamas and dropped her into bed without stories.
At which point, she promptly began talking to herself in darling, fragmentary sentences designed to make me feel like a horrible, abusive parent.
"Daddy...Where Daddy? Where Nana? Lilly? Go see Lilly? Night-night, Lilly..."
"Uh-oh... I need more water...Water... More water, please...More...Water...Soap...Soap, please."
"Baby...Oh, no! Baby, please?"
I need a beer.
Practice that sentence, you little pest.
holy tell the best stories. Gregg says you should be a writer!
It must have been some day at daycare because Lilly had that EXACT wonderfulness to her tonight.
I have some really good beer. Bring Nora here and I'll give you some. Here's a trick: corrupt her. Now that she is talking you hae to give her topics. Lydia's first consistent phrase was "Yankees STINK!"
and the next real quotable from Lydia was something about Guinness!
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