Apparently. Because when she came to visit this weekend, she came armed... with play-doh. And scored huge points with Nora.
Here's Nora showing off her "Elephant Ears" trick.
Later she requested that I help her make "frowurrs," and she added the finishing touches.
And finally, her masterpiece, the play-doh monster.
In non-Playdoh related news, the McCords came to visit on Saturday. They were great company, Kat made a really nice meal, Gregg brought the best chocolate chip cookies I've ever had, and Lilly was wonderful.
Unfortunately, Nora was a complete twit. She pitched a fit just about every time Lilly tried to play with one of her toys, and was just generally whiney and out of control most of the night. Hence the total lack of pictures. Gregg and Jenni, bless their hearts, were really understanding. I know in my heart that behavior like this is just part of Nora being two, and that it's perfectly normal. But still, I was disappointed. It left me questioning whether we're really doing anything right in our attempts to shape her behavior and help her be a happy, well-adjusted child. Because she was neither happy, nor remotely well adjusted all freakin' night. Then, as if to redeem herself, she was absolutely fantastic the rest of the weekend. It's incredible how she does that. I really do think it's a defense mechanism that children have acquired through the milenia to keep from ending up in a dumpster somewhere.
On a little bit brighter note, our house appraised over the weekend quite a bit higher than we were expecting, and is now officially on the market. We had our first showing tonight. It's strange how vulnerable you feel letting strangers in to "kick the tires" on your home.
On one hand, I'm truly excited about this next move, and what it means for our future as a family. On the other hand, I also can't wait for this phase of the transition to our new lives in Minnesota to be over with. Not only are we really anxious about whether or not it's going to sell, but it's also going to be really exhausting trying to keep the place clean all the time in case anyone shows up wanting to take a look. Ugh.
Soooooo, are you sure you don't want to buy a house? Anyone?
a defense mechanism...haha
Omgosh Nora was awesome. Lilly does the same thing when Nora comes over here. I imagine it is quite traumatic to have someone even if it is your BFF touching everything you own!
I would love to buy it, but it'd be heck of a commute every day!
I'd be happy to buy it, but you have to buy the one I have for sale first!!!
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