So I got tagged. Here it goes....
Eight things I did yesterday:
1. Ran on a treadmill. Granted it was only for 4 minutes and I was in a sling that off-loaded thirty pounds of my weight, but still...
2. Took lots of clindamycin for the MRSA abscess ON MY FREAKING FACE.
3. Showed up for a 7:00 meeting that didn't exist. For the second week in a row.
4. Was told by a teenager that I "seem pretty cool." (Really?)
5. Got a running shriek from a little girl when I picked her up at daycare and felt like a Beatle.
6. Saw this video in a work-sponsored format:
7. Played the piano. Poorly.
8. Worked with dying people and their families and somehow felt peace and joy that has never existed at work for me before.
Eight things I'm looking forward to:
1. A potty trained toddler
2. Not feeling like an intern on July first
3. Being able to ride my bike faster, hike more and run up stairs
4. Having another kid. Someday. When amnesia reagarding certain two-year-olds has set in
5. Making friends
6. Having our yard cleanup done so that we can start with the fun part of reclaiming a yard gone to seed.
7. Oddly, Monday
8. Also oddly, winter.
Eight things I wish I could do:
1. Sleep past 7:00
2. Build a greenhouse today, right now, right here. Or maybe I should change my answer to "learn patience"
3. Walk in the woods every single day. Preferably without limping, but I'm really not picky
4. Write a book
5. Figure out why the dogs just went completely ballistic
6. Raise parrots again
7. Travel outside the hemisphere
8. Ride my bike to work
Eight shows I watch (or watched and still love):
1. The Office
2. 30 Rock
3. Six Feet Under
4. The Boondocks
5. The Daily Show
6. Flight of the Conchords
7. Space Ghost's Cartoon Planet
8. Who needs television? I guess this is why the dogs freaked out:

i knew i could count on you!
a BEAR???? seriously? where did you move to again?
I probably would have wrestled the bear to the big deal.
Pretty sure that is only a black pig - looks like a snout to me and isn't that a twisted tail? (Dan)
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