Eric believes that Ellie is even more driven than most babies to get upright. She does seem to be focused intensely on pushing up, skipping right past all that rolling over and sitting nonsense.
Which is cute, until she has been bobbling around flail-tastically in your lap for an hour and your arms are ready to fall clean out of their sockets.
To assist Miss Evelyn in her push to become a two-leg, we pulled out the exersaucer this weekend. I admit, it is ridiculously early (11 weeks, really?). But just check out the sheer joy in this face:

And of course, the inevitable "help" from the big sister:
Look how reverentially Ellie checks out Nora's incredible motor skills. She can hold up her own head! And thwack! And stop thwacking! Amazing!

And the best part? All that exercise led to a big one of these:
I think Ellie was born 6 weeks late.
I think that with the way Ellie is growing, that the pictures of her (& Nora) she be updated on the blog more than once a month. Just saying. It is neat seeing how she is growing.
Hey what is that crazy looking thing behind and to the left of yawning Ellie?
Its just one of the toys on the exersaucer.
I am in love with this baby. Can't wait to see you all again.
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