"So throw away those Lamentations,
We both know them all too well.
If there's a Book of Jubilations,
We'll have to write it for ourselves.."

-Josh Ritter

Monday, January 5, 2009

Adventures in Solitude (by Kat)

And, ugh, as well.

We just got back from a very nice trip to Minnesota and our prolonged Christmas is finally over. And with that, we have a toddler who is struggling to get back into her routine and is showing all of her two-year old self in the process. "If I can't step on your feet, can I kick your shins? If I can't kick your shins, can I hang on your coat? If I can't hang on your coat, can I whine incessantly? If I can't...."

After much angst (which it would enlighten no one to detail), Nora is asleep and Eric and I are studiously ignoring each other. We both spent the day in clinic and that can wear out your talking brain. I figured this would be as good a time as any to reintroduce myself to the persons who occasionally stop by this blog.

Hi. My name is Kat. I am a terrible blogger.

I have to admit that the holidays didn't inspire a lot of original thought in me this year. Except for the fleeting thought that I should start an offshoot seasonal blog documenting the appalling lack of taste in some of the festive displays around Central Pennsylvania. Specifically, there are some incredible, unintentionally blasphemous nativity scenes. Seriously, who thinks that it honors Jesus to have an inflatable nativity scene comprised entirely of giant teddy bears? Also, who doesn't find that creepy? And why, God, why did I not have a camera?

I also know that a select few people are scouring the blog waiting to hear my test results from last week. And I know that the rest of the world is divided definitively into "Who cares?" and "Wha?" And I don't want to talk about me. I want to talk about Nora, who is cute. So there.

OK, fine, Mom. Nora's not being so cute today, anyway. Here's the short, short, short story: I have had hip pain since I was a teenager. It has been physical therapy-ized, surgerized, explained away and come back. I've been told that it was a muscle strain, dislocation, a couple different kinds of fracture, all in my head, etc. This time, they've decided that I have hip dysplasia (yes, the same thing that they put down German Shepherds for...got it out of your system? Good, let's move on.). The left is worse than the right and the femur necks are apparently oddly shaped as well. Note to self: try to avoid using the word "deformity" when talking to a patient.

That's great (well, no it's not), but it doesn't explain the pain. There's no cartilage tear, which is what the test last week looked for. It's great news, since I don't have to have surgery yet, but I still feel like a jackass for complaining about pain when nothing is turning up. The sports medicine doctor wants me to see an orthopedic surgeon, and I agreed, but I'm left with a fatalistic attitude and an overwhelming desire to drop the whole damn issue.

There. Now you know. If you made it this long into the post, I suppose you deserve some sort of consolation prize. Here is your obligatory cute picture of Nora. She's checking out the fire in the fireplace.

Oh, and the title? It's a song so good that you should be paying me for encouraging you to Google it.


Jim J. said...

I'll Google the song but first I will hug you across the ether... (((((Kat))))

I love you and I want to see you soon! Thanks for the mental image of the teddy bear nativity scene, that should sustain me 'til our next meeting!

Anonymous said...

Late, but, I hope, welcome:

You might like this: http://www.goingjesus.com/cavalcade.shtml

Later, she did one called Angels We Have Heard Are High.

"She" is Sara, a very, very close friend of Jon Pilat and his wife, Ryan (http://pilatfamily.com/), whose original blog may be the first blog I ever read.

Which is saying something.